Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Foreign Policy Meets Rap

" Some of the greatest minds in national security have turned their attention to a classic problem: When there is one dominant power, the rest of the world tries to challenge it"

Rapper Feud Mirrors World Politics

NPR did a fun interview with Marc Lynch about his article on The Game vs. Jay-Z beef that oringally appeared in Foreign Policy. You can read his whole piece, along with plenty of hyperlink sources over here. Lynch is a professor at George Washington University, so his take isn't completely wack, nor wacky, and at the very least it's generated plenty of online discussion.

Also, be sure to check out Egon, of Stones Throw fame, music series called Funk Archaeology.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Cassette Art

Really fresh art from iri5, Erika Iris Simmons. She uses cassette tapes for her work called "Ghost in the Machine." She says "The idea comes from a philosopher's (Ryle) description of how your spirit lives in your body. I imagine we are all, like cassettes, thoughts wrapped up in awkward packaging."

Tom Waits;

Michael Jackson;

Sunday, July 19, 2009

The Dead Weather

"New short film "Treat Me Like Your Mother" for The Dead Weather directed by Jonathan Glazer. The Dead Weather is: Alison Mosshart, Jack White, Jack Lawrence and Dean

Pretty Kick-Ass video. Interested in hearing the album. Check their website for more info.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mr. Hudson

The stars are aligning for Mr. Hudson to go Supernova. He's nearly unknown stateside, unless you were able to get hold of his first album "A Tale of Two Cities." It made my Top Albums of 2007 list, and I used to play him during Push Play's radio days. He gained quite a following on myspace back then, and even caught the attention of Kanye West who signed him to his label.


Sunday, July 12, 2009


Summer time in Alaska has been really wonderful and full of good weather unlike the previous year, which kind of explains my absence. A whole lot of good bike riding and chilling with friends.

Music producer Gonzales has released these hilarious web episodes called SUPERPRODUCER. Here's episode 1, and as of this post he's up to episode 3.